Archives for posts with tag: Snowdon

re whistleblowers’ plight: Assange, Manning and Snowdon but is being studiously ignored by BBC it seems – I wonder why? Snowdon’s father on American TV ABC


English: Uncle Sam recruiting poster.

English: Uncle Sam recruiting poster. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

  • Sandi Dunn Julie Bailey is a hero. She (and people like her without egos and questionable motivation with clear vision and common sense) is who should be running NHS. NB It is a pity you did not ask Julie about the terrible way she has been treated by some local people involved with that Mid Staffs hospital since she started her campaign. They are people who cannot get their NATIONALISTIC smug, complacent heads around the fact that the UK NHS model IS NOT THE BEST IN THE WORLD.
  • Sandi Dunn And your researchers should go look close to home in EU and find out (for context for your listeners) what their NHSs people think about what is going on in UK…. That could be interesting don’t you think?